Flag of Iraq

Iraq War News




Current News


General Info


Conflict with ISIS

Gulf War (OIF)


Provide Comfort

Desert Storm

Map Iraq Physiography 2008


News, Blogs, Info, and Maps


Map of Iraq

This website is a source of information for those who learn more about the history of conflict in Iraq from the 1990s to present. Info on this website includes general information about Iraq, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation New Dawn (OND), Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), and the current conflict with ISIS. To the left is a menu selection of topics relating to the wars in Iraq.  Clicking on each topic will bring you to a new page.

Note: Some information on this website is dated. It has not been updated to the latest current events happening in Iraq and the surrounding region.


Books about Special Operations Forces in Iraq

Books about SOF in Iraq  


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